Wednesday, February 25, 2009

USD Petition to Charter

This week has been the craziest week in the office I've had since I started. Andy and Rob are getting ready to head to the Foundation Board meeting so they are frantic getting ready. I have three days between Regional Conferences with a chapter visit tacked on the end. Don't get me wrong I love being at chapters working with the collegians face to face more than anything but it's a really busy time.

The highlight of my week has been sending out our colony at University of San Diego's petition to charter yesterday. It's the first time that Phi Kappa Theta has done a petition vote electronically. Typically we vote at Convention but these guys have been waiting so long. They are beyond ready. Plus we'll have two other petitions to vote on at Convention. They are an awesome group of men on a great campus with Father Mullen as their advisor - what more could you ask for? We need 30 votes yes to make the chartering happen. Rob even changed his Facebook status to reflect our need for those affirmative votes. We hope this passes so we can charter them the first weekend of May. I'm really thrilled about my first Phi Kap chartering.

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