Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lessons from a new colony

For those Phi Kap members who haven't yet heard. We have a new colony! Please help me welcome our newest group from Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, MA to the Phi Kappa Theta family! I had the pleasure of spending the last 5 days on campus with these gentlemen, doing A LOT of training and planning for their colony. During our weekend I realized that while this group still has a lot to learn about Phi Kappa Theta and fraternity life, that they also had a lot that they could teach some of our older chapters. So here are some lessons from a new colony.

They dream big!!
I have worked many times with existing chapters who are looking for a change and trying to set goals. The thing that always occurs however is often existing chapters goal set or dream with blinders on. They see things as challenges, rather than possibilities. Our new groups have a tendency to see the big picture. This group inspired me when they talked to me about how they wanted to be viewed as a fraternity and what they wanted to be known for. Its big!

They all start as equals.
Our colony members don't get initiated until they actually become a chapter. Therefore they all start on a level playing field. There is no active and new member divide, when a member gets a bid they then aren't required to spend 8 weeks proving themselves. They immediately become a part of the group and start assisting in the decision making. I promise you, they have passion. But they were able to get that through a shared vision for the group, rather than having a list of things to do to prove they belong there.

They ask Why
Part of the reason they ask why is simply of course because they don't know. They've never been in a fraternity before and are in the process of learning what it means. But the asking why benefits them! So many chapters are afraid to ask why. They do things because its "tradition" or because that's how its supposed to be done. If groups asked themselves why more often, I think we'd start seeing that many of those traditions have no place in Phi Kappa Theta. In fact when planning recruitment events the first thing I heard was " well we shouldn't be doing that event solely because everyone else is doing it" They challenged and questioned it all.

This group really sparked my passion for fraternity and sorority life again this week, because they have the ability to see the possibilities. I hope others can learn from their excitement as well.

If you haven't yet, follow them on twitter at @bsuphikaps. Or their facebook fan page Phi Kappa Theta at Bridgewater State University!


  1. Thank you, Gretchen! I appreciate your kind words and we strive to stray away from the cookie-cutter mentality. I am proud to get this opportunity to use Phi Kappa Theta as an outlet to shatter expectations, set new goals and give back to the community.

  2. Thank you Gretchen for your visit and great post. Bridgewater State University is so excited to have a new group of fraternity men to help our community step up to the next level. The Phi Kappa Theta's at BSU will be part of the new story of BSU Greek life and we will all learn from them, as they from us.

    With Gratitude for the work you do,

    Associate Director
    Student Involvement & Leadership
